Využite všestrannosť a efektivitu Pulsaworku pre personálne agentúry. S našou komplexnou platformou môžete efektívne riadiť nábor, personálne záležitosti, evidenciu, controlling, financie, správu majetku, ubytovne aj vozového parku, čo vám umožní transparentnú komunikáciu so zákazníkmi a zlepšenie celkového výkonu vášho tímu. S Pulsaworkom budete mať všetko, čo potrebujete na poskytnutie najlepších služieb vo vašom odvetví.
Try for freeWith Pulsawork, you have all key processes in your personnel agency under control, from recruitment to efficient management of employees, attendance, and finances. Optimize every step with our comprehensive platform and achieve top performance in your agency.
Keep recruitment process under control from A to Z. In our modern platform you can start recruiting future employees, view profile database, publish job offers directly from the platform environment, evaluate individual stages, keep statistics of candidate and recruiter and much more.
With digital employee cards, you have all the necessary information available online, relieving HR from the time spent answering frequent questions. Thanks to our platform, you can easily manage cards for both internal and external employees, have an overview of their contracts, attendance, see employees in the organizational structure of the company, or process attendance and payroll documents for them.
We understand the modern PULSAWORK platform as a strategic tool for process digitalization
The need to have data quickly is more crucial than ever in today's world. Those who don't understand the numbers cannot manage the process. Do you need to know the status of orders, issued and received invoices, project profitability, and much more? In our modern platform, you can obtain the necessary data, information, and overviews with just one click, without the need to inquire about these details from your colleagues.
Keep your team strong and flexible even during challenging operational periods. In our modern platform, you can handle operational tasks with ease, allowing you to keep everything under control. Approvals, fleet management, incident management, asset management, logistics, and much more.
Operations HUB →
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